Sakhalin summed up the results of the regional stage of the Award “The Exporter of the Year”. The prize is awarded toorganizations and individual entrepreneurs who have achieved the greatest success in the export of non-resource non-energy goods, works, services, as well as the results of intellectual activity in 2022.
“The Exporter of the Year” award ceremony is being held in the Sakhalin Region for the third time. For us, this is a good opportunity to celebrate and thank entrepreneurs for their work and contribution to the development of the region. We are proud of the goods and services that we produce and provide and which are successfully sold not only in Russia, but also abroad,”– said Alexey Butukhanov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Sakhalin Region.
The best in the nomination “The Woman Exporter” was the LLC Dream. The title of “The Exporter of the Year in the Service Sector” was won by Intra Sakhalin, LLC. The award “The Exporter of the Year in the field of agro-industrial complex” was won by LLC Promflot.
The competition was established by the government of the Russian Federation within the framework of the national project “International Cooperation and Export”. This stage is regional, then the participants will take part in the federal district competition followed by the national level competition.
The Export Support Center was created on the basis of the Sakhalin Entrepreneurship Development Fund and provides more than 20 support measures for exporting companies. For more information about services visit or call 8 800 222 0123