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Uzbekistan is interested in Sakhalin fish products

Representatives of Uzbekistan trading companies visited the Sakhalin region in order to search for partners. Meetings with local entrepreneurs were organized for the delegation. The business mission was organized by the Export Support Center and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Sakhalin Region. The Consul General of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Vladivostok Rustam Ismailov also took part in the mission.
“This is the second business mission from abroad we organize. The first one visited us from Korea. Let me remind you that the Export support center was opened in 2019. Our specialists help companies to establish communication with foreign partners, take part in international trade fairs, receive necessary assistance when entering foreign markets,” said deputy head of the Export Support Center of the Sakhalin Region Maria Yarovenko.

Eight Sakhalin companies of fishing industry showed interest in establishing partnerships with trading companies of Uzbekistan. Among them are manufacturers of canning products, dietary supplements based on laminaria and seal oil, and companies involved in fishing and seafood trade.
After the round table talks, the delegation from Uzbekistan was invited to visit two Sakhalin enterprises – “Volna, LLC” in the city of Nevelsk and “Divia-farm Sakhalin, LLC” in the village of Troitskoe, Aniva District. Here local companies introduced the assortment and main stages of production, storage and processing of products.
According to the head of the delegation, Rustambek Baratov, Uzbekistan has an interest in Sakhalin products. However, at the moment goods from Sakhalin are purchased through intermediaries from other regions of Russia. During the visit the parties plan to discuss the supply of products to Uzbekistan directly.
A representative of the pharmacy chain and wholesale trade from Uzbekistan Bobur Berdikobilov said, “I was very interested in dietary supplements from seaweed. There are no such products on our market, and iodine deficiency is an urgent problem for the people of Uzbekistan. We received samples and documentation for the goods, now we need to study it and clarify what else will be needed for import to Uzbekistan. We are also interested in dietary supplements made from seal oil”.
Let us remind you that Export Support Center was created on the basis of the Sakhalin Entrepreneurship Development Fund as the part of the national project “International cooperation and export” in order to stimulate and involve small and medium-sized enterprises of the Sakhalin region in international trade, provide information and analytics, consulting and organizational support, and also promote companies entering the international markets for goods, services and technologies. More information about services is available on the website or by phone 8 800 222 0123 (ext. 3)